Below, you will find a list of our church committees and the Session members assigned to each committee.
Session Members Tammie Davis, John McInturf and Catherine Tucker
…is responsible for all personnel issues, long range planning, and oversight of communications to members and the greater community. Its work focuses on stewardship of staff, purposeful growth of the church, and sharing the story of Jesus and of First Presbyterian church through various communication resources so all can grow in relationship to one another and to God.
Christian Education
Session Members Jim Amstutz, Sarah Good and Cheryl Rice
…is responsible for all aspects of Christian education and discipleship growth at FPC. It provides opportunities for congregants of all age groups to study and lean the scriptures, to develop vital prayer and devotional habits, to grow as faithful disciples, to become more Christ-like. This committee’s task is “to equip the saints for the work of ministry.” (Ephesians 4:12)
Congregational Fellowship and Nurture
Session Members Richard Meyer and Catherine Tucker
…is responsible for all fellowship programs and services to the FPC community of believers. It provides opportunities for congregants to nurture and support one another and form meaningful relationships through Christian fellowship within the believing community. It encourages and assists all members to know each other, to be engaged in the life and work of the church, and to grow as faithful disciples.
Session Members Mike Bunch, Burts Compton, and Bill McClure
…has responsibility for all financial aspects of FPC. It provides stewardship of all financial offerings and gifts for God’s glory and purpose.
Outreach, Membership and Evangelism
Session Members Dee Dee Dietrich, Mary Glenn Lively and Martha Pendley
…is responsible for proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ through direct action and word. The committee responsibilities include providing services and inviting people to worship and to join the fellowship of the community of believers at FPC. Equipped by the Christian Education and Discipleship Committee and supported by the Congregational Fellowship and Nurture Committee, members put their faith into action, in word and deed, through the Outreach and Evangelism Committee.
Session Members Carol Dixon and Claudia Mihovk
…is responsible for the acquisition, disposition, maintenance and use of all FPC buildings, grounds, furnishings and equipment. This committee provides for stewardship of all church facilities.
Session Members Gail Cole, Don Good and Morris Hadden
…is responsible for oversight and support of all aspects of the worship services at FPC, including weddings, funerals and special services. The committee’s focus is to assist the congregation to worship and show gratitude to God.