School house used as church from 1918 – 1940Sanctuary Little White Church 1925Bethel seeded by FPC in 1943FPC under construction from December 1940-December 1941Sanctuary in 1942Linville Street manse 1950-1981Julia Wade Clothes Closet 1950Aerial view of church circle 1951Construction educational wing 1963After school Cloud Program 1968Will Gipe Co-op Nursey 1968Schantz Organ Pipes after installation in 1974Choir at Organ Dedication 1974Tengone Vengchiem graduates Lees McRae College – Scott’s and Massie’s AttendedFPC member Cora Cox represented the General Assembly trip to South AfricaMadrigal dinners held for several years in 1980’sBarbara Gipe interviews client at KCMCHarpsichord in memory of Phil Hames after accidental death in 1987Hufford House moved to make way for addition of Fellowship Center additionConstruction of Fellowship Center in 1994Danny Massie and James Holmes dedicate Children’s Center Day Care 1996Fellowship Dinners begin in 1997Kathy Algier, our first Parish Nurse in 1997Family Camp Banner Elk, NC 1997Roscoe and Betsy Harrison at Habitat House in 2001Jenny Clemmer and Judy Collins with women during Living Waters trip to Guatemala 2008Columbarium dedicated at FPC in 2009Old Fellowship Hall before 2011 remodelDownstairs Fellowship Hall after 2011 remodelFPC Youth Trip to Clinton, SC 2012Delegation from Bethel Church in Guatemala visits FPC in 2015Centennial History Book published 2017Centennial Celebration Sunday 2017Gutter Buster 1980’s Youth Reunion 2017Grab and Go Breakfast Outreach 2020Covid Precautions Takeover 2020Cindy Sharitt and Preschool Zoom Sunday School Class 2021