As a church, we seek to provide an environment for your child to grow spiritually as they learn the stories of the Bible in different ways. We have Sunday school classes for pre-K- 5th grade and also have a nursery available. Search around our website to learn more about what all First Presbyterian has to offer you and your child!
First Presbyterian’s Session has approved a Child Protection policy. We train our teachers and volunteers working with children and youth each year. This training includes a background check and overview of the curriculum. Teachers are well qualified and usually return each year to help teach. Children may be picked up at the conclusion of the worship service in the nursery upstairs.
We have Sunday school classes for all ages including a nursery for infants and toddlers.
Be assured that your child is safe here at First Presbyterian!
We hope you join us this Sunday to worship God!
In Christ,
Russ Pearson
Director of Christian Education and Youth Ministries