The purpose of the facilities of First Presbyterian Church (FPC) is to serve the church members, their guests and the community in a Christian atmosphere and setting. Making these facilities available is an integral part of the total mission of FPC and seeks to complement and strengthen all church ministries.
First Presbyterian Church groups and their affiliates will receive first priority when scheduling events.
The use of church facilities is open to church groups (including the Children’s Center), and non-profit organizations, government, schools, and civic groups for meetings, seminars, concerts, and fellowship activities. Church property may be used for private parties, birthdays, showers, teas only for members or their immediate family. Any form of fundraising, including the sale of books, tapes, or other items will require prior Session approval.
Charges for functions conducted expressly for First Presbyterian Church groups, the Presbytery, the Synod, and other churches will be waived. At the discretion of the Church Business Administrator, special reduced rates (member rates) may be available on a one-time basis to small groups (less than 50) whose membership includes members of the congregation; and to those organizations who use the facilities on a continuing basis; (continuing basis defined as: monthly, bi-monthly). Consideration may be given to the group’s mission/purpose, ability to pay, and the nature of the event.
Fees for weddings and wedding receptions are listed in the wedding guidelines which are available from the Church Business Administrator. For other uses, the fees are based upon usage during business hours (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.).
All fees must be paid prior to, or on the day of the event. There will be a $50 cancellation fee for any event cancelled with less than 24 hours notice. Excessive set-up or after-hours custodial services will be charged at a rate of $20 per hour, with a two-hour minimum. Custodial services are required for groups needing cleanup services, and/or those with 125+ in attendance.
Keys may be made available to members/ non-members for the purpose of unlocking/locking doors for after– hours events; with the understanding that the responsible person must ensure that only one door is unlocked and after everyone is in attendance, the door will be locked for security purposes.
The building must be checked thoroughly and the cleaning restrictions followed. Keys must be signed out by the day of the event, and returned within 24 hours. If one chooses to not be responsible for opening and closing, the after hours custodial service rate will be charged. Additional custodial fees are to be paid directly to the custodian providing the service.
Application for Reservation
All events involving the use of church property must be scheduled with the Church Business Administrator. Forms should be submitted at least seven (7) days prior to the event to insure a custodian is available. Reservations for wedding receptions will conform to the Wedding Committee guidelines.
You may download a PDF HERE, or pick up a form from the church office.
The Church Business Administrator, based on room and custodial availability, and set-up requirements, can make exceptions to minimum reservation time. The responsible individual for any group must sign the reservation form agreeing to the guidelines. The requester is responsible for seeing that all of the restrictions related to church facilities are met.
Once the application is approved by the Church Business Administrator, the requester will be notified by the Church Business Administrator, and the activity will be placed on the church calendar by the Church Business Administrator.
All non-members/non-profits must submit a copy of their liability coverage with the application. Non-profits must submit a certificate of exemption.
Cleaning: Facilities must be left in order, clean, lights turned off, and locked unless specific prior custodial arrangements have been made.
Alcohol, Tobacco and Illegal Substances: The use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco in any form, and illegal substances is strictly prohibited.
Keys: Members may pickup keys at the church office during normal church business hours and must be returned within 24 hours following the event.
Equipment Rental Fees: TV/DVR/VCR, screen, stationary microphone, will be available at no extra cost.
All other AV material must be provided by the user.
Damages: Individuals or groups using the building are responsible for any damage incurred during use. Tape, tacks, nails, screws, or any fasteners leaving visible marks may not be used to attach materials to the building. If candles are to be used, they must be “drip–less” – no exceptions. Tables, chairs, risers, and athletic equipment should be carried across the floors – dragging will cause damage.
Food and Beverages: No food or beverages are allowed in the Sanctuary or Chapel at any time. Caution should be used when eating or drinking on carpeted areas.
Kitchen Facilities: Kitchen facilities, when included, are to be used for warming, serving, and clean up only. If the users are not familiar with the commercial appliances, a custodian must be present and paid for their services. The user must furnish all utensils, serving pieces, and supplies. Linen, china, silverware, and glasses owned by the Church are intended for First Presbyterian Church functions only, unless otherwise approved by the Church Business Administrator. The loan of any equipment or furnishings to church members must be approved by the Church Business Administrator and will require sign–out and be subject to damage/loss charges.
Supervision: All groups with persons under eighteen (18) years of age must be under the direct supervision of responsible adults and a ratio of 1 to10 is suggested. Young children must be closely supervised at all times.
Loss: Valuables should not be left unattended. First Presbyterian Church is not responsible for loss or damage to personal property.
Heating and Cooling: To continue our efforts with energy conservation, the thermostats are set at 68 degrees for heating and 76 degrees for cooling. Please do not tamper with the thermostats. If it is unusually hot or cold, please contact one of the custodians.
Parking: Designated parking areas are outlined in the main parking lot and in the paved lot across the street. Please refrain from parking too close to the dumpsters during the week. Parking under the breezeway is for short term unloading only. Parking is prohibited in the alley way and on the plaza.
Requests for use of church parking lots, grounds, etc. by neighboring churches may be approved by the Church Business Administrator when such use does not negatively impact normal expected church property use by FPC.
Contact Annie Hill for more information.