Under the direction of our professionally trained music director and organist, First Presbyterian is pleased to provide a variety of music offerings. Our goal is to strive for excellence in bringing the music to life that we may inspire our deepest worship in glorifying God. We welcome aspiring participants at all levels, providing training and nurture within an environment of warm fellowship.
The Chancel Choir is open to all adults and advanced high schoolers, working on a weekly basis to sing for the 11:00 a.m. service. Frequently, Women’s and Men’s Chorales are assembled for special occasions, and to welcome additional folks into the program. Vocal training is available to all who are interested.
The Alleluia Choir is comprised of children, K – 5th grade. They rehearse weekly on Sunday mornings, often employing handchimes and Orff instruments as well, leading to participation in worship on a monthly basis.
The music program welcomes and coordinates the participation of church members according to their areas of interest and skill in Instrumental solos and Ensembles comprised of strings, winds, and percussion. We host the East Tennessee Cello Choir, instruction and classes; as well as being the Kingsport home of the professional Paramount Chamber Players.
Handbell enthusiasts are invited to participate in weekly rehearsals with the Westminster Ringers, as well as opportunities for advanced ringing in the smaller Chamber Bell Choir.
Music at First Presbyterian is enhanced by our many beautiful instruments, including a full range Schantz Pipe Organ, a full five-octave set of Malmark Handbells, a small concert grand Steinway piano in our chapel, a concert grand Boston piano in our sanctuary, and a full custom built concert size Kingston harpsichord.
We invite you to participate in one or more of the music programs at First Presbyterian.