Online Bible Studies

Staying Calm – Bible Study Starting September 18, 2024

STAYING CALM… There is a madness to our time in history; the world has gone mad, and it is taking us with it. It is so depressing to watch the news that many people have stopped watching. Humanity isn’t doing well. Our ANXIETY LEVEL is through the roof. We dread what may happen next but what we fear may happen is often worse than what does happen. Many people have clearly lost hope. They look for good news, but don’t…

Get Your Life Back – Bible Study Starting February 21, 2024

GET YOUR LIFE BACK… There is a madness to this moment in time and we must name it for the lunacy it is. Apart from international conflict and an America divided almost as much as a country can be divided, daily stress is taking our lives hostage. The maddening pace of life, the demands on our time and energy, and global problems that go from bad to worse: it leaves us empty and ragged. People come home exhausted on our…

Bible Study Starting September 20, 2023 “Forgiven People Forgive”

Starting Wednesday night September 20, Mike Shelton will offer a six-week class on forgiveness, and his lessons include the following:         What Forgiveness Is, What It is Not, and Who Needs It? How God Views Forgiveness The Journey from Being Forgiven to Forgiving When it is Hard to Forgive October 18 No Bible Study – Care Ministry Dinner The Stages of Forgiveness Learning How to Forgive

New Bible Study Starting March 1, 2023 “The Ultimate Question: Why?”

From the Cross of Jesus, to national disasters, to the horrors in the headlines, and to the pain of personal tragedies we endure: there is a question waiting to be voiced. WHY?  It is not just a question; it is the question, the ultimate question, and whether it is voiced aloud or kept inside, it cannot be ignored. In March, Dr. Shelton won’t ignore it. In fact, he will voice it 4 times, in conjunction with 4 distinct questions:         …

Bible Study Starting September 14, 2022 “If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat”

Beginning Sept 14th, Dr. Shelton will begin another Wednesday Night study and his book is, “If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of The Boat.” Using Peter’s infamous walk on water, John Ortberg has written a book on Discipleship. All of you are welcome to attend. Please register your interest with church office. You may order the book on Amazon or pick up a copy at the church for $10.00. The reading schedule is below:…

New Bible Study Starting February 9, 2022 “The Apostles Creed”

You are invited to a new Wednesday Night Class, starting on February 9, where Dr. Shelton will lead a discussion of the “Apostles Creed,” based on author Adam Hamilton’s book, “Creed: What Christians Believe.” You can attend either in person or watch online. Like our Fall session, there will be no dinner provided, but you may bring your food to class. Please pick up a book at the church office (only $5.00) or you may buy it online. CREED: WHAT…

The Parables of Jesus Bible Study – September 15, 2021 – November 3, 2021

“The Autobiography of God”…starting on Sept 15th, Dr. Shelton will be doing a study of Jesus’ parables. In Jesus, God’s autobiography, his self-disclosure is being written and revealed in a unique way: through parables. You can take the class in person or online. Mike will post material for the online participants and hand out material for those taking it in person.  Below is the schedule of weekly classes to be held through November 3. September 15 What parables are, different…

“Should This Sermon Make Us Happy” Summer 2021

Beginning the week of June 7, 2021, Dr. Shelton will be doing a study of Jesus’ famous “Sermon on the Mount”, as recorded in Matthew. He invites you to read Matthew 5-7 in preparation for the class and to do some personal reflection on the material. The Sermon on the Mount may be one of Jesus’ best-known but challenging teachings. As with other classes, a study guide for each week will be sent out and his lesson will be posted…

Lenten Bible Study “The God Named Hallowed”

Beginning on Tuesday, February 9, Dr. Shelton will do a Lenten study of the Lord’s Prayer.  Only 57 words in length, the Lord’s prayer contains the core of Jesus’ teachings.  His Disciples had requested that he teach them how to pray.  Is our need for his guidance any less critical?  Each week we will take a phrase in his beloved prayer, and ponder its meaning for our lives. Each week a study guide and the YouTube video will be posted…

God’s Will in an Unwilling World Study Series – September 16 – November 11

Few things create more confusion than God’s will. Different questions pop into our minds at different times: What does God want me to do in certain situations? How does his will inform my choices? Does he have a plan for my life and the world itself? Does everything happen for a reason? What will happen in the next 5 years? It often comes down to asking tough Questions and having incomplete answers. In this series, we will ask tough questions…

Wednesday’s with the Peanuts

August 12 – September 16, 20208 Sessions Beginning Wednesday August 12th, Russ will post a weekly video study using the book “The Gospel According to the Peanuts” by Robert L. Short. You don’t have to read the book for the studies, but it is a good read if you want to get deeper. The book will be more of a jumping off point rather than a chapter by chapter review. I grew up listening to Peanuts references during worship every…

To My People with Love – A Study on Philippians

Writing from a jail cell, with little or no hope of ever being released, Paul sent a note of encouragement to his favorite church: the Church at Philippi. They were special to him. They were his friends and role models in the faith. He knew that their church would thrive with or without him. Sent on their 11th birthday as a congregation, it was the happiest letter Paul wrote and the only letter where he isn’t correcting false teaching, rebuking…
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