From the Cross of Jesus, to national disasters, to the horrors in the headlines, and to the pain of personal tragedies we endure: there is a question waiting to be voiced. WHY? It is not just a question; it is the question, the ultimate question, and whether it is voiced aloud or kept inside, it cannot be ignored. In March, Dr. Shelton won’t ignore it. In fact, he will voice it 4 times, in conjunction with 4 distinct questions:
Why Do the Innocent Suffer? – March 1, 2023
Why Do My Prayers Seem to Go Unanswered? – March 8, 2023
Why Can’t I See God’s Will in My Life? – March 22, 2023
Why Does God’s Will Ultimately Prevail? – March 29, 2023
The Class will begin on Wednesday March 1st, taking one week off for our Deacons Care Ministry Dinner on March 15th. This is not a book study but a class study guide will be provided.