We have three services each Sunday, at 8:30 a.m. in the chapel; 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Center and 11:00 a.m. in sanctuary. The 8:30 a.m. service is smaller and more intimate. The 9:30 a.m. service is Space for Grace and is a worship service that focuses on simplicity and creativity, with hopes of reaching out to anyone wanting to come. These worship services are designed to be 45 minutes with opportunity to pray, sing songs led by our youth and others, have fellowship with each other, and be inspired to live out your faith. The 11:00 a.m. service includes a children’s sermon, and musical leadership is provided by the chancel choir and accompanied by our organ. The liturgy is traditional, yet creative, and we sing hymns and spiritual songs from across the centuries.
We value the presence of children in worship, and believe that they learn the art of worship by participating as much as they can throughout their childhoods. A supervised nursery is available, or babies can remain with their parents in the sanctuary. Rocking chairs are located at the back of the sanctuary for parents with babies or small children. Preschool children may leave for Children’s Church activities after the Children’s Sermon, or remain in Worship with their parents. Worship bags are available at the front of the sanctuary, and we welcome the leadership of our children in church as acolytes, members of the Alleluia Choir, and liturgists. Our sanctuary is not always quiet, but the noise is joyful!
Special Services
At First Presbyterian Church, we believe that worship is central to our lives as God’s people, and the heart of the life of the Church. It is a joy to gather each week to hear the story of God’s great love for us, and to renew our commitment to live as children of God and Christ’s disciples, in the week ahead.
In addition to our regular services each Sunday, we also have some special services for various special occasions.
Our worship services throughout the year include:
Christmas Eve:
4:00 p.m. – Communion and carols service for families with young children
5:30 p.m. – Traditional Lessons and Carols service in the sanctuary
Lent and Holy Week:
Ash Wednesday
Palm Sunday
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday