Our sanctuary, which comfortably seats 600, features a full range pipe organ, balcony seating, an audio system and beautifully hand crafted wood decor. The many large windows provide a bright yet serene setting for our 11:00 a.m. Sunday morning service.
Designed in the early 1940s by church member and architect Allen Dryden, Sr., the sanctuary has been renovated with care to maintain its original architectural grandeur. It is available for baptisms, weddings and memorial services. To inquire, please contact Annie Hill .
The Sanctuary Stain Glass was part of the original design for the Sanctuary by Allen Dryden, Sr. The actual window itself was not installed until February of 1945 when labor and materials were finally available near the end of World War II. Created by Payne and Spitzer Studios in Paterson NJ, the window was given to the church by the Hufford Family in memory of Wallace Hufford. Mr. Hufford was a charter member and long-time clerk of the session. Mr. Hufford served as clerk of the session from 1918 – 1933.