Writing from a jail cell, with little or no hope of ever being released, Paul sent a note of encouragement to his favorite church: the Church at Philippi. They were special to him. They were his friends and role models in the faith. He knew that their church would thrive with or without him. Sent on their 11th birthday as a congregation, it was the happiest letter Paul wrote and the only letter where he isn’t correcting false teaching, rebuking bad behavior, or dealing with drama. It is filled with lessons on what mature Christianity looks like. Please tune into this summer bible study Dr. Shelton is calling, “To My People, With Love” starting on Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Philippians Study Guide 7-14-20
Philippians Study Guide 7-7-20
Philippians Study Guide 6-30-20
Philippians Study Guide 6-23-20