“The Autobiography of God”…starting on Sept 15th, Dr. Shelton will be doing a study of Jesus’ parables. In Jesus, God’s autobiography, his self-disclosure is being written and revealed in a unique way: through parables. You can take the class in person or online. Mike will post material for the online participants and hand out material for those taking it in person.
Below is the schedule of weekly classes to be held through November 3.
September 15
What parables are, different types of parables, how they were used, a study of Kingdom Parables
Parable of the Sower Mark 4:1-9
The Narrow Door Luke 13:23-30
The Buried Treasure Matthew 13:44-45
September 22
“More Kingdom Parables”
The Mustard Seed/Yeast/Pearl Matthew 13
The Wheat and the Weeds Matthew 13
The Fig Tree Matthew 24
September 29
“Grace Parables”
The Two Debtors Luke 7:41-43
Seats at the Table Luke 14:1-14
God’s Dinner Party Luke 14:15-24
October 6 Live Stream Only
“More Grace Parables”
Two Men at Prayer Luke 18
The Prodigal Son Luke 15
Grumbling at the Pay Table Matthew 20