What’s So Great About the Great Commandment? March Bible Study Wednesdays March 12, 19, 26

What’s So Great About the Great Commandment? March Bible Study Wednesdays March 12, 19, 26

When Christianity loses it way, we forget to keep first things first. So did the Jews of Jesus’ era. They had lost sight of the essentials. Jesus had an ongoing debate with Jewish leaders who accused him of veering off the truth. Four times they corner him in the Temple to catch him in error. In one case a scribe asks him “Which is the greatest command?” He was not seeking an answer but gathering evidence to entrap Jesus in his words. Jesus wouldn’t quibble over which law was superior. He underwhelmed critics by quoting scriptures that all Jews would know:

               “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord and you shall love
         him with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength”

The scribe knew the right answer; he just didn’t live the right answer. Quoting what God expected and doing what he expected are not same thing. Dr. Shelton will lead a study of this text, “What’s so great about the Great Commandment” on Wednesdays March 12, 19, 26.