A Note From Your Parish Nurse

A Note From Your Parish Nurse


As First Presbyterian and our local community begin to resume activities I wanted to give you an update about our Parish Nurse program.

For those members that are not familiar with the program, I serve and care for our congregation with a focus on promoting, protecting and restoring health through a holistic approach.  By addressing the physical, emotional and spiritual health of our members, I strive to educate, nurture, enable and empower members for quality, healthy living throughout their life span.  For the past five years that I have served as a Parish Nurse I have been an employee of Ballad Health and our church has contracted with Ballad for my services.  Effective May 1, 2021 I will join the church staff as a part-time employee of First Presbyterian Church . This will be a seamless transition as my duties and responsibilities will remain the same. I am excited about this change as it will allow me to dedicate more of my time to the priorities of the church and our church family.

Also, beginning on May 5th, I will resume having regular office hours on Wednesdays from 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM. Feel free to stop by or you can always call to schedule an appointment. My office is located in the Fellowship Center.  Entering from the parking lot, once inside, turn to the left and the office is the first door on the left before you enter the kitchen. That being said, I am well aware that an Illness, accident or a medical crisis are rarely scheduled events that happen during office hours.  I am always “on call” and available 24 hrs., day or night, should you need to reach me. I am most accessible by phone or text at: (423) 963-9617 but can also be reached by email at: abwright@chartertn.net.

As your Parish Nurse, I am committed to caring for and nurturing members of our congregation through:

  • Visits (hospital & rehab, home, office, assisted living, long-term care, phone, text, email)
  • Resources & Referrals (community agencies, caregivers, hospice, assisted living, medical resources, transportation, meals)
  • Education (health related, condition/disease/symptom/medication specific, preventive health, navigating the health care system). Assure that staff are trained in CPR & First Aid and that that on site emergency equipment is in good working condition. (AED, Oxygen & First Aid kits)
  • Volunteer coordinator (Facilitate the use of volunteers within the church by developing and supporting the volunteer’s skills as they relate to supportive services for health and healing.)
  • Medical equipment lending program: We have a limited number of portable medical equipment (walkers, rolators, canes, shower chairs, bedside commodes, wheelchairs, etc.) that have been donated by members when no longer needed. These are available to loan to members of the congregation.
  • Maintaining confidentiality. All information will remain confidential unless you give permission to share.

Please notify me should you have a health concern or scheduled surgery/procedure. Even though you may not anticipate needing my assistance I would like to keep you in my prayers.

  • Please advise me of any health topics you would like addressed in a group setting. Once the church resumes normal activities I hope to offer more of these opportunities.
  • I am always in need of volunteers to help care for members by: 1) providing an occasional meal (Meal Train), home cooked or from a restaurant, to a member, 2) providing a member that is unable to drive local transportation to an appointment, 3) making a visit or phone call to a member that may not be able to participate in activities at church. When you complete your “Rekindling Your Gifts” form, please indicate if you are willing to share your time and talents in any of these areas! If you have already completed your form and did not check “yes” for these options you may contact me directly and I will add you to my list of volunteers. Note: Please do not just assume that you are on the list of volunteers because you have participated in the past. I will be establishing a new list of volunteers and will call on those that have indicated their willingness to help on this recent survey.  Remember, if you receive a Meal Train invitation or are called to help with some other need and the timing is inconvenient you can always decline. Thank you in advance for your help!

I am honored to serve as your Parish Nurse. Please feel free to contact me with any needs, questions or concerns you might have.



What you can do to help your Parish Nurse: