All Saints Day November 6: Services and Preparation

All Saints Day November 6: Services and Preparation

…we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses…from Hebrews 12:1)

The worship committee invites you to help prepare a parament* for the communion table on All Saints’ Sunday, November 6.

Fabric and markers will be in the church foyer for the next three weeks leading up to the service. Use the marker to write the names of those who taught—inspired—encouraged—challenged—comforted—walked alongside you in your journey of faith, but who have now joined the great company of the saints in heaven. These might be parents, siblings, friends, ministers, musicians, authors, or any others who have been spiritual guides to you.

Let’s fill the cloth with our very own cloud of witnesses, testifying in a visual way that we are one with “believers in every time and place,” to use words from our PCUSA Brief Statement of Faith. We are one with those who have run with perseverance the race set before them, and who now feast in Christ’s presence at the heavenly banquet.

You may also submit the names of any saints you wish to honor (including non-church members) to Kim Alvis to print in the bulletin on All Saints Sunday.  

Members are also invited to bring pictures of their saints to display on the round table in the foyer on All Saints Day.


*What is a parament?

Parament: a term applied by ancient writers to the hangings of a room of state. Later it has referred to the liturgical hangings on or around the altar or communion table, as well as cloths hanging from the pulpit or lectern. The word can also be used to refer to ecclesiastical garment

Helpful hints for writing on the fabric:

  • A mix of handwriting sizes will look good, but don’t write too small. 
  • A mix of diagonals will look good; don’t worry about writing on the slant. 
  • Hold the fabric taut with your other hand while writing to help keep the marker from dragging.