Bulletin – April 14, 2024

Bulletin – April 14, 2024

Church Night Supper ~ Wednesday, April 17, 5:30 p.m.

The reservations for our dinner next week, Wednesday, April 17, need to be in no later than noon on Monday, April 15. Debbie Waggoner will be buying the food on Monday to make the grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. Thank you! Dinner cost is $8.00 for adults; $4.00 for children under 10; with a family maximum of $20.00. To make reservations, fill out the pew pad on Sunday morning, call the church office at (423) 245-0104 or register online: First Presbyterian Church-Kingsport (firstpreskingsport.org)(When booking your reservations, please note that a family = parent(s) and dependent children 18 years of age and under.)

Second Harvest in April

Please mark your calendars and look forward to fun, fellowship and service at Second Harvest Food Bank with fellow FPC members and friends on April 17, 2024. Please email, call or text (423-782-6280) Bob Stoots to sign up and indicate your time preference! Everyone is welcome.”