Oasis Spring Open House
The Oasis of Kingsport is having a Spring Open House with a Craft Bazaar and Bake Sale on Saturday, April 27 from 9:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. Please come take a tour and shop for crafts and baked goods. If you have handmade items, home decor, or baked goods that you would like to donate, please contact Martha Pendley @ 423-429-1340. Please see attachment.
Space for Grace Worship Sunday!
Fellowship Center ~ 9:45 a.m.
No afternoon Youth Group
Five Cents-A-Meal Offering
The Five Cents-A-Meal offering will be received Sunday. The FPC Clothes Closet will receive 25% of the collection.
Sermon Notes Are Coming!
Newsletter May 2024