Free Super Bowl Party – Sunday, February 12 at 6 p.m.
Everyone is invited to attend the Big Game which will be held in the Fellowship Center. We will project the entire game from kickoff, half-time, to the final score on the big screen with great sound. Bring the entire family along with your favorite game-day food/snack to share. Some suggestions are chili, wings, nachos, hors d’oeuvres, pigs in a blanket, etc. The church will provide iced tea and water. Hope to see you there!
New Location for Knuckleheads
The Knuckleheads Men’s Bible Study will now be meeting in the History Room on Tuesdays from 12:15-1:15 p.m.
“Why Did I Have to Leave My House?”
After Oksana received the Love Offering from First Presbyterian Church at Christmas, she wanted to share a sincere thank you with everyone at church. For your convenience, this link Thank You Note from Ukranian Family – First Presbyterian Church-Kingsport ( will take you to her thank you note.
In addition, Oksana worked several days to document and translate her journey with Maksym and Alisa in tow to escape Ukraine. She calls this narrative “Why Did I Have to Leave My House?”. It was a harrowing experience for sure. Her description shows an authentic look into what life was like in Ukraine when she escaped and describes some of the obstacles that they encountered along the way from Ukraine to Tennessee. Please check it out and lift up a prayer for their continued safety and transition to life here in East Tennessee. Likewise, her personal account can be found via this link Why Did I Have to Leave My House? – First Presbyterian Church-Kingsport ( .