Space for Grace
Join us this Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Center for Space for Grace. We will still have the 8:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services and adult Sunday school on Space for Grace days. Space for Grace is designed to be 45 minutes with opportunity to pray, sing songs led by our youth, hear a relevant message, be inspired to live out your faith, and worship God in a new way. We will have nursery workers in the Fellowship Center during these services.
Five Cents-A-Meal Offering
The Five Cents-A-Meal offering will be received Sunday. The Theodore Roosevelt Elementary School in Kingsport will receive 25% of this offering.
Church Night Supper & Bible Study ~ Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m
February 28
Dinner by Olive Garden
To make reservations, fill out the pew pad on Sunday morning, call the church office at (423) 245-0104 or register online. Dinner will be followed by Lesson 2 of Dr. Shelton’s new class, “Get Your Life Back.” Please join us for dinner, Bible study or both!