Soup Fest 2023
Soup Fest will be held on March 1 at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Center. This annual crowd-pleaser is a friendly competition featuring a variety of soups from the many talented cooks in our congregation. Prizes will be awarded for the best soups in the following four categories: Best of the Bird (chicken), Soup on the Hoof (beef), Garden Variety (vegetable), and Wild Card (anything goes). With all of the entries in each of the categories, you’re bound to either find an old stand-by or maybe even discover a new favorite or two. The winning recipes will also be published in a future newsletter, posted on the website, and stored in the church’s archives. Please bring your soup entry in an appropriate container or bring bread or cornbread. There will be tables reserved for each category and attendants at those tables will provide the entries with index cards to label each one. This is a fun-filled evening of food and fellowship. Make ready your favorite recipes and we’ll see you at Soup Fest on March 1. Desserts will be provided. Please let the church office know by noon on Tuesday, February 28, if you are coming and whether or not you will be bringing soup for the competition or bread or cornbread.
Bridge, Anyone?
Men and Women Bridge Players, we are still gathering names for those who would like to play bridge on Mondays from 1:00–3:30 p.m. in Room 103 in the main church building. It would be a sign-up for which Mondays you would like to play. Some may want to be on the substitute list. We will play with one or two tables on the Mondays of February 27, March 6, 13, 20, and 27. Please call, email, or text Mary C. Ruth at 423-530-4310 or email to be on the list.
Breakfast Ministry NEEDS YOU!
We still have many available volunteer spots for the Breakfast Ministry this spring. We need ONE more volunteer on March 4, March 5, March 12, March 19, April 16, and April 29. We need TWO OR THREE more volunteers on April 1, April 2, and April 30. If you are able to help on one (or more) of these dates, please email Sarah Good at to sign up.