Bulletin – January 26, 2025

Bulletin – January 26, 2025

Fresh Start to Our Prayer List
On February 1, 2025, we are starting fresh with our Prayer List. We are going to remove all the names on the first page under First Pres Members – Ongoing Requests and we are going to remove all the names on page 2 under Non-Member Family & Friends of First Pres. Members – Ongoing Health Requests. If you want to have your name or a non-member family or friend added to the prayer list, please call Vickie and she will add name(s) to the list. Names will only be kept on the prayer list for 30 days unless you call Vickie and ask to be continued on the list for another 30 days. Your assistance in keeping our Prayer List more relevant and current is greatly appreciated.

Chili Cook-Off ~ January 29
Chili, cornbread and dessert
Bible Study on the Psalms
Psalm 119

Led by Rev. Russ Pearson

There is no charge for this meal. Let us know if you plan to bring chili. If you choose not to bring chili, crackers or cornbread would be appreciated. Either way, we need your reservation, so we’ll have enough dessert. 
(The cost of dinner is $10.00, adults; $5.00, children under 10; family maximum of $25.00. Fill out the pew pad on Sunday mornings, call the church office at 245-0104 or register online. Reservations due noon Tuesday.)