Church Night Supper
Join us for Wednesday Night Supper on October 11, catered by Panda Express. The cost is $8.00 for adults, $4.00 for children under 10, with a family maximum of $20.00. To make reservations, fill out the pew pad on Sunday morning, call the church office at 245-0104, or sign up online at by noon on Tuesday.
Preparing for Death of a Spouse or Loved One
The CFN committee is offering lunch and a panel discussion with time for questions at 11:45 a.m. in the Fellowship Center on Tuesday, October 17. Lunch will be provided at no cost, but we need a number to prepare so call or email Vickie in the church office by Wednesday, October 11 to reserve your spot.
Congregational Meeting
A called meeting of the congregation will be held Sunday, October 15 during the 11:00 a.m. worship service for the purpose of electing our new officers.