Holy Week Activities March 28-April 4, 2021

Holy Week Activities March 28-April 4, 2021

We are continuing to ask all attendees to wear masks and practice social distancing during in-person worship services.  Pews have been labeled accordingly, and the balcony will be open.  The nursery is available for the 11:00 a.m. Worship services.

Palm Sunday, March 28, 2021
Services at 8:45 a.m. in the Chapel and 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary.

Maundy Thursday Service April 1, 2021
Service at 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

Stations of the Cross April 1-2, 2021
The Stations of the Cross is an important spiritual practice that walks you through Jesus’ last few days of earthly ministry. This season you have 3 options to participate in the Stations of the Cross.

  1. Online:  We will publish a video of speakers reading the stations of the cross. This video will go live on Good Friday at noon.
  2. Read at home: On Maundy Thursday you will receive a church-wide email with an attachment for the Stations of the Cross. There will also be limited copies available at church before the Maundy Thursday worship service. You can read this on your own time before Easter Sunday.
  3. In-person: Maundy Thursday and Good Friday (April 1 and 2) 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Please wear a mask if coming in person. This year the stations will be slightly adapted. You will enter through the breezeway door and follow the instructions found on a music stand. All Stations will be on the main level. Each station will include the devotion readings in larger print, and you will not touch the items. The Communion station will be adapted to have individually sealed cups for you to remember Jesus’ last meal with his disciples safely. This will keep us as safe as possible while still inviting you to come in person.

Prayer Vigil April 3, 2021

This year we will have our annual Prayer Vigil online again. This method gives more people a chance to participate, and keeps us safer at home. We hope you consider signing up for a 30 minute time slot, especially if you are a first time participant. I have limited the signups to 2 time slots, but you can pray as long as you want. The vigil will begin at 12am on Holy Saturday and go till 12am on Easter Sunday.

Click the link below to go to the Signup Genius form:

Prayer Vigil 2021 Signup form 

1. Once on their website, you will see time slots and a tab beside each time that reads “Sign up”. Click your desired time slot.
2.  Scroll to the bottom to click the “Submit and sign up” tab.
3. Next, fill out your name and email, then click “Sign up now”.

You do not have to make an account, but you are welcome to do so. Signup Genius should email you the day before your time for a reminder.

If you are having trouble please contact Russ at church. I am happy to help. I will email resources during Holy Week you can use for the vigil such as our prayer list and a devotion.

Easter Sunday Service April 4, 2021
Services at 8:45 a.m. in the Chapel and 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary.