Bulletin – August 28, 2022

Bulletin – August 28, 2022

Five Cents-a-Meal Offering

The Five Cents-A-Meal offering will be received Sunday. You may place it in the basket by the door as you leave Worship, or you may contribute online.  One-fourth of this offering will go to Shades of Grace United Methodist Church.  
Connect FPC

For the last two years our church like every other church has struggled to maintain connectedness in a world that is masked, socially distanced, and remote.  The session recommended an initiative to address the need through the exploration of small groups.  The purpose of a small group is to provide a Connection to the Church body – the people, the institution, and the body of Christ – that goes beyond your personal needs, which is why we are calling this initiative Connect FPC.  This is not intended to replace any of the other gatherings of people at the church, but it is an intentional bonding to others outside your usual group of church friends.  We’ve become disconnected. This is an opportunity to learn to care for each other again.  It is not strictly a bible study, but rather will contain elements of scripture, devotion, prayer and encouragement for each other.  It is a way to grow in your faith and be the Church.

Groups will be assigned to members who express an interest on the form.  The group size will be 8-10 and will be intentionally diverse, but no younger than senior high.  Family members are encouraged to consider joining separate groups when possible. Each group will have a facilitator and will have frequent, short (45-60 minute) interactions with a group of people who are committed to praying, studying, sharing concerns, and caring for one another.  Each group will decide their own meeting times and places but are expected to meet at least every couple of weeks.  We expect to need at least one online group for those who cannot meet in person.  Groups may choose to have an outreach or service project to help bond the group.

If you are interested in exploring this new way of connecting with each other and with God, please complete the form either online (preferred) or filling out one of the hard copy forms which will be available in the narthex Sunday mornings, which you can return to the church office.  If you have questions, please contact Jim Amstutz.