Please join us for another day of service at Second Harvest Food Bank on September 21, 2022. Thousands of people depend upon Second Harvest Food Bank of Northeast Tennessee for food, and Second Harvest depends upon generous volunteers like us from First Presbyterian Church to help get food distributed. For those with plenty, a bag of instant oatmeal is small. For those with little, a bag of oatmeal is a daily essential. FPC volunteers contributed 50 hours of time in July that led to 675 senior food bags being packed and made ready for needy and grateful recipients. We enjoyed the personal satisfaction of being the helping hands of Christ in such an important ministry. In fact, we enjoyed the fellowship, camaraderie, and team work so much, we look forward to doing it again!
Second Harvest Food Bank is located at 1020 Jericho Drive, Kingsport, TN 37663 in the former Kingsport Sam’s Club building. We will be moving along in assembly lines to place food items into bags and boxes for distribution. There are two options for volunteer hours: morning between 10am & noon, and afternoon between 1:00 and 3:00pm. You are welcome to select either or both sessions and volunteer whatever amount of time you wish. Twenty-three people volunteered in July. We can handle 30 volunteers this time (15 in each session), so it would be great to top that number if we can. It truly is a meaningful way to enjoy Christian fellowship and community service at the same time. Please call or text Bob Stoots at 423-782-6280 right away with questions and to sign-up!