White Gift Offering
We will receive the White Gift Offering Sunday, December 11. First Presbyterian Church is assisting Waverly Road Presbyterian Church with supplies for their Food Pantry. If you have filled a bag, please drop it off on one of the tables in the hallway near the bathrooms. If you wish to make a monetary donation instead, you may write a check to First Presbyterian Church with a notation for the Food Pantry. Checks may be placed in the offering plates Sunday.
December Handbell Showcase
Sunday, December 11 at 3:00 p.m.
Several local handbell choirs, including our own FPC bell choir, will combine for a festival concert in the Fellowship Center, as part of this year’s Kingsport Music Club program offerings. Mark Davis will direct the combined choirs. The concert is open to the public free of charge, and all are welcome to attend!
Clothes Closet Needs
Large, extra-large, and double x coats and jackets
Socks and underwear