Second Havest Food Bank Workday – Thanks!

Second Havest Food Bank Workday – Thanks!

Thanks to everyone who joined in the FPC workday at Second Harvest last week, September 20, 2023. We were very happy to have Suzanne Holley (a friend of Cheryl Rice), Bob Miller (a friend and local legend), and Cheryl & Kim Harvey (from Bristol who coincidently volunteered in the afternoon while we were there)! One of our tasks was to remove and correctly label bags of Triscuit crackers from the original boxes that had incorrect content markings. The morning crew achieved a remarkable accomplishment by removing and labelling 1200 bags of crackers! With that result in the morning, it took only about 30 minutes after lunch to finish off the remaining boxes. We quickly switched gears and started some unusual “repair work”! Rene’ had three pallets of food boxes that were previously packed without all of the designated contents. So the second task of the afternoon was to open and add a bag of rice to all of those boxes, re-tape and stack them for distribution. Such is life at the food bank… somedays you pack and some days you unpack! Whichever it is, we always have a good time together and come away with a feeling of accomplishment! Enjoy the attached pictures from Wednesday’s activities! Please mark your calendars for October 18, 2023 when we gather again at Second Harvest Food Bank. 

