Announcements (Page 7)

Bulletin – August 20, 2023

Friends in Faith Class Begins New Series“Into All the World: Participating in God’s Mission” The Friends in Faith Sunday School Class will begin a new 6-week series on August 20 entitled “Into All the World: Participating in God’s Mission.” Usually when we think of God’s mission or “missional vocation” we don’t think of ourselves but those who serve around the world that we never see (missionaries). When we think about “missional vocation” is when we begin to see ourselves differently. Our service…

Bulletin – August 13, 2023

Request from the Nominating Committee The Elder/Deacon Nominating Committee is working through the process of identifying next year’s class of Elders and Deacons. If you have any members of the congregation that you would like to nominate for consideration, please send those to Tim Arrowsmith at by Tuesday August 15. Sunday School Kickoff We will kick off another Sunday school season on Sunday, August 13. All children and youth will meet in the Old Fellowship Hall downstairs at 9:45 a.m. for their program. Russ will lead the program…

“At the River” Documentary and Discussion

We have a special event coming up Sunday September 10th! (All are invited!) Filmmaker Carolyn Crowder is coming to screen her movie “At the River” and lead a discussion. From her website: “Crowder travelled throughout the Southeast interviewing ministers, now in their 80’s and 90’s, about their experiences and what it took to go against the racist currents during those hard days within their local communities and congregations.” We will have a lunch beginning around 12:15pm then begin the movie…

Bulletin – July 30, 2023

With Love from Paul…this Summer Dr. Shelton will continue his sermon series on Paul’s letter to his favorite church: the Church at Philippi. From the start, it is personal in tone; it conveys the warmth of a relationship; and it is filled with lessons on what mature Christianity looks like. It is the only letter where he isn’t putting out fires, rebuking bad behavior, or correcting false teaching. Come join us in worship or watch the series online.

Bulletin – July 23, 2023

With Love from Paul…this Summer Beginning Sunday, Dr. Shelton will do a sermon series on Paul’s letter to his favorite church: the Church at Philippi. From the start, it is personal in tone; it conveys the warmth of a relationship; and it is filled with lessons on what mature Christianity looks like. It is the only letter where he isn’t putting out fires, rebuking bad behavior, or correcting false teaching. Come join us in worship or watch the series online.

Bulletin – July 16, 2023

Please come and join us on Sunday, July 16, for an Ice Cream Social after the second service in the Fellowship Center. We will serve ice cream and a variety of toppings, so don’t miss this special treat! Second Harvest WorkdayWe will meet at Second Harvest Food Bank on July 19 to glorify God with our time and talents by continuing to serve him in the process of getting food to those in need. If you would like to join us in this effort, please call or text Bob…

Second Harvest Food Bank FPC Member Volunteer Opportunity – July 19, 2023

First Presbyterian Church volunteer “helpers” will pack bags and boxes of food at Second Harvest Food Bank on Wednesday, July 19.  Please join us for fun, fellowship, and service. Friends and family members are also welcome. There will be two options for this date: morning between 10 and noon, and afternoon between one and 3 PM.  Each session is limited to 15 people, so check your calendars and let Bob Stoots know if you would like to participate. (Please call or…