Posts by Vickie Green (Page 3)
Day of Service Second Harvest Food Bank December 18, 2024
Please mark your calendars and look forward to fun, fellowship and service at Second Harvest Food Bank with fellow FPC members and friends on December 18, 2024. Please email, call or text (423-782-6280) Bob Stoots to register for either or both morning session (10am-Noon) or afternoon session (1pm-3pm).
Bulletin – November 17, 2024
Shop the World Event Canceled The “Shop the World Gifts” fair-trade sale scheduled for this Sunday (Nov. 17) in our Fellowship Center has been canceled by the vendor due to unforeseen circumstances. Deadline Rapidly Approaching!The deadline to order poinsettias is Monday, November 18.Order forms are attached. Community Thanksgiving Service ~ November 24 Please join us for the Community Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 24 at 5:00 p.m. here at First Presbyterian Church. It is tradition to serve pie after the Community Thanksgiving Service, and as host…
Staying Calm – Bible Study Starting September 18, 2024
STAYING CALM… There is a madness to our time in history; the world has gone mad, and it is taking us with it. It is so depressing to watch the news that many people have stopped watching. Humanity isn’t doing well. Our ANXIETY LEVEL is through the roof. We dread what may happen next but what we fear may happen is often worse than what does happen. Many people have clearly lost hope. They look for good news, but don’t…
Brown Bag Lunch Bible Study
Brown Bag Lunch Bible Study Bring your own lunch!Thursdays at 12:15pm in F102 Quick Info:*No prep required. Do not feel you have to be a Bible scholar to attend Bible study.*No commitment needed, just show up!*No need to worry about speaking in the group if you don’t want to.*Bring your Bible and a notebook. Bibles and paper will also be available. *Russ will communicate if schedule changes. Thursday Bible Study Reading Schedule September 5: Genesis 2:15-25: PartnersSeptember 12: Genesis 9:8-17: Noah’s…
Day of Service Second Harvest Food Bank November 20, 2024
Please mark your calendars and look forward to fun, fellowship and service at Second Harvest Food Bank with fellow FPC members and friends on November 20, 2024.There are two sessions; 10:00 am – 12:00 pm and/or 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Please email, call or text (423-782-6280) Bob Stoots to sign up and indicate your time preference! Everyone is welcome.
Bulletin – October 27, 2024
Trunk or Treat!Sunday, October 276:00-7:00pmChurch Parking Lot We need cars to help make this happen. Feel free to decorate your car or just bring a bag of candy. If you can help, contact Russ.
Bulletin – October 20, 2024
Blessing of the PetsSunday at 5:30 p.m.Bring your pet, a picture of your pet, or even a stuffed animal for a special blessing and time of fellowship. All are welcome – even if you don’t have a pet. We will gather in the fenced in field by the columbarium.
Bulletin – October 13, 2024
Congregational MeetingA congregation meeting will be held Sunday, October 13 at the beginning of the 11:00 a.m. worship service for the purpose of electing our new elders and deacons. Please see the attached list of nominees. Reception for Our New Music Director!A reception for our new Director of Music Ministries, Bryan Underwood, will be held Sunday, October 13 in the foyer following the 11:00 a.m. Worship service. Please join us and welcome Bryan!