Announcements (Page 5)

First Pres Salvation Army Bell Ringing – Saturday, December 16, 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Our church members have an opportunity to serve those in need in our community by ringing bells for the Red Kettle Campaign. This activity is suitable for individuals or families. Funds raised will be used throughout 2024 for social services of the Salvation Army, including fulfilling clients’ needs for food and clothing, as well as providing a noon meal every day of the year for our community members. Please call to volunteer for a 1 or 2-hour shift between 11…

Bulletin – November 26, 2023

Decorating for AdventWe need volunteers to help decorate the Fellowship Center for the Christmas season. We will gather at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, November 29. Please call Judy Grover to sign up. Fellowship Center WorshipThe Sanctuary worship services will move to the Fellowship Center beginning Sunday, December 3 and will continue there through February. Advent CoffeeThe Congregational Fellowship and Nurture Committee would like to invite all of you to the second annual ADVENT COFFEE. Let us gather together on the first Sunday of Advent on…

Bulletin – November 5, 2023

Thanksgiving Dinner ~ November 15 Our Thanksgiving meal on Wednesday, November 15, will be catered by Golden Corral and will feature turkey, dressing, rolls, green beans, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, and pumpkin pie for dessert. The cost for dinner will be $10.00 for adults, $5.00 for children under 10, with a family max of $25.00. Please sign up no later than noon on MONDAY, NOVEMBER. 6. To sign up fill out the pew pad on Sunday morning or call the church office at…

Bible Study Starting September 20, 2023 “Forgiven People Forgive”

Starting Wednesday night September 20, Mike Shelton will offer a six-week class on forgiveness, and his lessons include the following:         What Forgiveness Is, What It is Not, and Who Needs It? How God Views Forgiveness The Journey from Being Forgiven to Forgiving When it is Hard to Forgive October 18 No Bible Study – Care Ministry Dinner The Stages of Forgiveness Learning How to Forgive

Day of Service at Second Harvest Food Bank – November 15, 2023

November is a busy time at Second Harvest Food Bank. For 15 years, Project Thanksgiving has been providing Thanksgiving meals to thousands of people in our region who struggle with food insecurity. This year’s goal is to provide 37,000 meals to Northeast Tennesseans in need. The loyal band of First Presbyterian Church volunteers will do our part to help meet this goal by packing food boxes on November 15, 2023. If you would like to join in the fun, fellowship and…

Bulletin – October 29, 2023

Trunk or TreatSunday, October 294:00-5:00 p.m.Church Parking LotWe need cars to help make this happen. Feel free to decorate your car. If you can help, contact Russ. Also, we are taking candy donations. Drop them off at church in our foyer. Thank you!

Bulletin – October 22, 2023

Trunk or TreatSunday, October 294:00-5:00 p.m.Church Parking LotWe need cars to help make this happen. Feel free to decorate your car. If you can help, contact Russ. Also, we are taking candy donations. Drop them off at church in our foyer. Thank you!