Posts from 2023
Bulletin – December 24, 2023
Christmas & New Year’s Services Note about 11:00 a.m. Christmas Eve WorshipThe chairs in the Fellowship Center are set up facing inward towards the middle where you will see the manger, reminding us that God came down in the person of Jesus to be right in the middle of our lives. Come and worship the Christ child with us. Holiday ScheduleThe church office will be closed on December 25 and 26 for Christmas and on January 1 for New Year’s Day. The…
Bulletin – December 17, 2023
Second Harvest Work Day ~ December 20FPC volunteers will gather at Second Harvest Food Bank on December 20. There will be two options: morning between 10 and noon, and afternoon between 1 and 3 p.m. Check your calendars and let Bob Stoots know if you’d like to help at either or both of these times (call or text 423–782–6280). Mitten TreeThe 3-5-year-old Sunday School Class invites you to donate to our Mitten Tree. Help us help other children by donating mittens,…
Bulletin – December 10, 2023
White Gift Offering We will receive the White Gift Offering this Sunday. As in the past, First Presbyterian Church is assisting Waverly Road Presbyterian Church with supplies for their Food Pantry. If you have filled a bag, please drop it off Sunday in the foyer or the Fellowship Center before worship. If you wish to make a monetary donation, you may write a check to First Presbyterian Church with a notation for the Food Pantry. Checks may be placed in the offering plates. Clothes Closet Urgent NeedsOur Clothes Closet…
Bulletin – December 3, 2023
Fellowship Center WorshipThe Sanctuary worship services will move to the Fellowship Center beginning Sunday, December 3 and will continue there through February. Advent CoffeeThe Congregational Fellowship and Nurture Committee would like to invite all of you to the second annual ADVENT COFFEE. Let us gather together on the first Sunday of Advent on December 3. It will be held in the Fellowship Center at 9:45 a.m. Please bring either a savory or sweet dish to share. It is a time to rejoice in the…
Day of Service at Second Harvest Food Bank – December 20, 2023
FPC volunteers will gather for another day of service at Second Harvest Food Bank on December 20, 2023. There will be two options for this date: morning between 10 and noon and afternoon between 1 and 3:00 p.m. Check your calendars and let Bob Stoots know if you’d like to help at either or both of these times (call or text 423-782-6280).
First Pres Salvation Army Bell Ringing – Saturday, December 16, 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Our church members have an opportunity to serve those in need in our community by ringing bells for the Red Kettle Campaign. This activity is suitable for individuals or families. Funds raised will be used throughout 2024 for social services of the Salvation Army, including fulfilling clients’ needs for food and clothing, as well as providing a noon meal every day of the year for our community members. Please call to volunteer for a 1 or 2-hour shift between 11…
Bulletin – November 26, 2023
Decorating for AdventWe need volunteers to help decorate the Fellowship Center for the Christmas season. We will gather at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, November 29. Please call Judy Grover to sign up. Fellowship Center WorshipThe Sanctuary worship services will move to the Fellowship Center beginning Sunday, December 3 and will continue there through February. Advent CoffeeThe Congregational Fellowship and Nurture Committee would like to invite all of you to the second annual ADVENT COFFEE. Let us gather together on the first Sunday of Advent on…
Bulletin – November 5, 2023
Thanksgiving Dinner ~ November 15 Our Thanksgiving meal on Wednesday, November 15, will be catered by Golden Corral and will feature turkey, dressing, rolls, green beans, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, and pumpkin pie for dessert. The cost for dinner will be $10.00 for adults, $5.00 for children under 10, with a family max of $25.00. Please sign up no later than noon on MONDAY, NOVEMBER. 6. To sign up fill out the pew pad on Sunday morning or call the church office at…