Announcements (Page 17)

The Parables of Jesus Bible Study – September 15, 2021 – November 3, 2021

“The Autobiography of God”…starting on Sept 15th, Dr. Shelton will be doing a study of Jesus’ parables. In Jesus, God’s autobiography, his self-disclosure is being written and revealed in a unique way: through parables. You can take the class in person or online. Mike will post material for the online participants and hand out material for those taking it in person.  Below is the schedule of weekly classes to be held through November 3. September 15 What parables are, different…

Count Me In!… 2021-2022 Stewardship Campaign

Count Me In!…                                    Why we give is more important to God than what we give.  Lest you think I am talking only about money, then I will tip you off: I do not care about your money.  I care more about you. If you never gave a dime to this church but served in its ministry, it would be okay with me. But I am not Jesus.  What he thinks about you matters more than what I think.  Our stewardship…

FPC Donates to the Salvation Army of Kingsport

Ladies and Gentlemen, We meant to share this with the board at yesterday’s meeting but in all of the excitement and discussion we forgot. Back in June First Presbyterian Church donated $10,000 to our Pathway of Hope initiative which engages families with children to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty. We are extremely appreciative of the folks at FPC for their continued support of the mission and work of The Salvation Army here in Greater Kingsport. As you’re able, please…

Update on our Covid Response

Dear Friends in Christ, As if you needed the reminder, the Delta Variant has made it clear that we are not yet finished dealing with Covid. Many organizations, from business to schools to churches, are again scrambling to figure out what is the safest and best way to adjust their plans in the short-term. We will discuss the matter at the August 22nd Session meeting, but we do strongly encourage all our members to wear masks and practice social distancing, not…