Outreach (Page 2)
Day of Service Second Harvest Food Bank March 20, 2024
Please mark your calendars and look forward to fun, fellowship and service at Second Harvest Food Bank with fellow FPC members and friends on March 20, 2024. Please email, call or text (423-782-6280) Bob Stoots to sign up and indicate your time preference! Everyone is welcome.
Day of Service Second Harvest Food Bank – February 21, 2024
Due to adverse weather conditions in January, FPC volunteers will be kicking off 2024 service at Second Harvest Food Bank on February 21. There will be both morning and afternoon sessions; from 10am to noon and 1 to 3pm. The rear warehouse entrance for volunteers will be closed due to construction, so please enter through the front reception area. Check your calendars and let Bob Stoots know if you’d like to help (call or text 423–782–6280).
Day of Service Second Harvest Food Bank January 17, 2024
FPC volunteers will kick off a new year of service at Second Harvest Food Bank on January 17. There will only be a morning session between 10 and noon on this date. Check your calendars and let Bob Stoots know if you’d like to help (call or text 423–782–6280).
Day of Service at Second Harvest Food Bank – December 20, 2023
FPC volunteers will gather for another day of service at Second Harvest Food Bank on December 20, 2023. There will be two options for this date: morning between 10 and noon and afternoon between 1 and 3:00 p.m. Check your calendars and let Bob Stoots know if you’d like to help at either or both of these times (call or text 423-782-6280).
First Pres Salvation Army Bell Ringing – Saturday, December 16, 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Our church members have an opportunity to serve those in need in our community by ringing bells for the Red Kettle Campaign. This activity is suitable for individuals or families. Funds raised will be used throughout 2024 for social services of the Salvation Army, including fulfilling clients’ needs for food and clothing, as well as providing a noon meal every day of the year for our community members. Please call to volunteer for a 1 or 2-hour shift between 11…
Day of Service at Second Harvest Food Bank – November 15, 2023
November is a busy time at Second Harvest Food Bank. For 15 years, Project Thanksgiving has been providing Thanksgiving meals to thousands of people in our region who struggle with food insecurity. This year’s goal is to provide 37,000 meals to Northeast Tennesseans in need. The loyal band of First Presbyterian Church volunteers will do our part to help meet this goal by packing food boxes on November 15, 2023. If you would like to join in the fun, fellowship and…
Second Havest Food Bank FPC Member Volunteer Opportunity – October 18, 2023
FPC volunteers will gather for another day of service at Second Harvest Food Bank on October 18, 2023. There will be two options for this date: morning between 10 and noon and afternoon between 1 and 3:00 p.m. Check your calendars and let Bob Stoots know if you’d like to help at either or both of these times (call or text 423-782-6280).
Second Havest Food Bank Workday – Thanks!
Thanks to everyone who joined in the FPC workday at Second Harvest last week, September 20, 2023. We were very happy to have Suzanne Holley (a friend of Cheryl Rice), Bob Miller (a friend and local legend), and Cheryl & Kim Harvey (from Bristol who coincidently volunteered in the afternoon while we were there)! One of our tasks was to remove and correctly label bags of Triscuit crackers from the original boxes that had incorrect content markings. The morning crew…
Second Harvest Food Bank FPC Member Volunteer Opportunity – September 20, 2023
FPC volunteers will gather for another day of service at Second Harvest Food Bank on September 20. There will be two options for this date: morning between 10 and noon and afternoon between 1 and 3:00 p.m. Check your calendars and let Bob Stoots know if you’d like to help at either or both of these times (call or text 423-782-6280).
Second Harvest Food Bank FPC Member Volunteer Opportunity – August 16, 2023
FPC volunteers will gather for another day of service at Second Harvest Food Bank on August 16. There will be two options for this date; morning between 10 and noon, and afternoon between one and 3 PM. Check your calendars and let Bob Stoots know if you’d like to help at either or both of these times (call or text 423–782–6280).
Second Harvest Food Bank FPC Member Volunteer Opportunity – March 15, 2023
First Presbyterian Church volunteers will gather again on Wednesday, March 15 at Second Harvest Food Bank of NET. Please join us for fun, fellowship and service. Friends and family members are also welcome. There will be two options for this date; morning between 10-noon, and afternoon between 1and 3pm. Each session is limited to 15 people, so check your calendars and let Bob Stoots know if you would like to participate. (Call or text 423-782-6280)
Why Did I Have to Leave My House?
To give people a glimpse into what Oksana’s escape from Ukraine was like, she worked several days to document and translate, her journey with Maksym and Alisa in tow. She calls this narrative “Why Did I Have to Leave My House?” It was a harrowing experience for sure. Her description shows an authentic look into what life was like in Ukraine when she escaped and describes some of the obstacles that they encountered along the way. Please check it out…